The property consists It was their purpose to punish the South. Gen. Ord, commanding the AR/MS district ordered another constitutional convention in Dec 1867. In 1856 when the newly formed Republican More profound changes occurred in the county during the first twenty years of the twentieth century. All of these newspapers were strong Democrat party supporters. James Loughridge built a hotel from the timber that was cut from the court house square and this was probably one of the first buildings erected in Houston. LandWatch has hundreds of rural properties and land for sale in Chickasaw County. In addition to several attempts by federal troops to destroy the stretch of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad running through the county, a number of battles and raids took place in Chickasaw. Slaves 100 years of age or older were supposed to be named on the 1860 slave schedule, but there were only 1,570 slaves of One outstanding general officer, William Feimster Tucker, was produced. In the 1920s, business was good. held by a total of 646 slaveholders, and those slaveholders have not been included here. A county welfare program enemies". owners. The war had encouraged more agricultural productivity and more scientific methods of cultivation had been introduced. The war years were particularly bitter ones for the people of Chickasaw Co. County showed such a significant increase. No family history research. When the United States declared war against Germany and her allies on April 4, 1917, Chickasaw Co was ready. Easily find plantation land for sale in Chickasaw County Mississippi at His army was defeated and D'Artagnette was burned at the stake. Houston was incorporated on May 9, 1837 and its first post office was established Dec 5, 1837 and the Postmaster Very few people The Chickasaw Indians practiced a monotheistic religion and worshiped their god, Ababinili, atop ceremonial mounds. Because of the massive mobilization of manpower, there was hardly a home in Chickasaw Co that did not have some family member serving in the military. However, the streets of both towns became a "sea of mud" during the rainy seasons and "miniature dust bowls" during the dry seasons. Page 18 of 32. Later a road was built from Houston to Starkville and the Houston/Hopewell Road was extended to Grenada. Location within the U.S. state of Mississippi Mississippi's location within the U.S. Coordinates: 3355N 8857W / 33.92N 88.95W / 33.92; In Chickasaw Co, political parties were operating through clubs. In 1849 this school was named "Houston Female Academy" and was run as a girls' school by Mrs. D. E. Turman. seats. The presence of A & M College (now MS State at nearby Starkville) put scientific agricultural information within the reach of any Chickasaw Co farmer who wanted it. Chickasaw County experienced considerable growth during the first few decades of the twentieth century. and our loyal RootsWeb community. At the end of the war and the beginning of the Reconstruction period, large bands of wandering blacks became the rule. The French viewed the Chickasaw Indians as a "troublesome" people and were determined to wipe them out. The county's first church was a Baptist church built in 1835 in the southwestern part of the county by the SURNAME MATCHES AMONG AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS: (exact surname spellings only are reported, no spelling variations or soundex), (SURNAME, # in US, in State, in County, born in State, born and living in State, born in State and living in County). Mississippi; Chickasaw County; Chickasaw County Real Estate Facts. On Feb 9, 1986 Chickasaw Co celebrated her 159th anniversary. it is beyond the scope of this transcription. The TN Valley Authority brought cheap electricity to the rural areas of the county and changed life on the farms forever. The school was originally founded as the MS Normal High Their immediate duties were to hold an election to select other county officer and select a site for the county seat. The death toll for Chickasaw Co during Seven War Bond drives were held during the four year period of hostilities. However, the data should be checked for the particular surname to see the extent of the matching. On a national level, Democrat candidates consistently carried the county, but it was not unusual for a popular Whig to win in a sate or local election. Joel Pinson donated a plot of ground to each of the four denominations represented in Houston at its founding. However, they encountered Confederate troops at Palo alto and the Union forces were turned north toward Okolona. This group of people have been a varied group of many races and creeds who have given their allegiance to five flags.All these people originated in other areas and came to the area looking for new opportunities and a better way of life. All were shown as in Division 1, except the two holders on By 1860 the county had changed substantially. Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches were eventually built on these plots. The MS Senate passed a bill calling for a three percent sales tax and abolished ad Professor Hosea B. Abernathy and his wife, Sallie Garrett Abernethy conducted the school. court house are all that remain. These officials were ill equipped to fill their positions. The Chickasaw people, for whom the county is named, left marks on the area that endure to this day The word "Chickasaw" means "Rebellion" or "He-Who-Walks-Away" and is supposedly a derivative of the name of the Indian leader, Chicka. LandWatch has hundreds of rural properties and land for sale in Chickasaw County. what is now Calhoun Co. Two other early roads, one between Houston and Pontotoc and another that connected Houston and Aberdeen were built. the "colored" population had increased about 11% to 10,069. microfilm for the details listed regarding the sex, age and color of the slaves. After reaching the area which is now Winston Co, the stick no longer leaned after being "planted" by the campfire. The Federal blockade of the Atlantic and Gulf ports dried up foreign markets for cotton and other agricultural products and the people of Chickasaw Co suffered. There of large farms must have resulted in lots of duplication of plantation names. They proposed to meet and end the Chickasaw "problem" forever. Slaves then constituted 55 percent of the population, and Chickasaw County planters and farmers pursued mixed agriculture, concentrating on corn and livestock as well as the cash crop of cotton. In 1840 Chickasaw was home to 2,148 free whites, 1 free African American, and 806 slaves. Linking There are 80,000 acres of farm land in Chickasaw County, growing soybeans, corn, cotton, sweet potatoes, forage crops and truck patches. Around 1830, the typical immigrant was a family man seeking to establish a hoe. 1,000 acres or more, the largest size category enumerated in the census, and another 1,868 farms of 500-999 acres. This line ran from Mobile to Jackson, TN; and connected in Jackson, MS to a line going to New Orleans. In 1872 Clay and Webster Counties annexed portions of Chickasaw. taxes be raised. lower because some large holders held slaves in more than one County and they would have been counted as a separate In Sept 1930, the rains finally came but were too late. The Chamber of Commerce in Okolona and the American Legion in Houston declared that no child in the county would miss "Santa Claus". Also a number of private homes and public buildings were destroyed and many families lost stock, food and valuables. The average Senior Manager Business Growth and Development salary in Houlka, Mississippi is $145,830 as of December 27, 2022, but the salary range typically falls between $130,130 and $163,920. In 1888, the MS Normal College was established and soon became one of the leading institutions in the area. All rights reserved. Within two years, an agent was sent to the county. family. The raising of beef cattle and dairying were coming into greater importance. Chickasaw has long been home to Sparta Opry, a live country music show. Patriot" and in 1854, the paper's name was changed again to " The Southern Argus" by its new owner, Jehu A. Orr. dark eyes and moved with a superior and independent air. Meetings were held by most churches in the county and were well attended. Discover Chickasaw County Mississippi plantation land for sale. That year corn sold as low as 15 cents a bushel. was to be rung as a signal for all the people to gather for the prayer service. The new town of Houston was well supplied with professional men; having thirteen doctors and twenty-three lawyers in 1860. The brother of General N. B. Forrest, Colonel Jeffrey Forrest, maintained contact with the large force of northern troops as they moved to the south. Other early towns in the county have declined in importance, but in the early days of the county, they filled a significance place. Churches, civic clubs, home demonstration cubs and private citizens participated in activities to help in the war effort. One Saturday in July, the ladies of Houlka were allowed to participate in a "straw vote" for he office of governor of MS. Other parts of the county were not so quick to approve female suffrage. In 1915, the United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. Django Unchained is a fascinating and intricate film that tells the story of a slave who revolts against his master. Palmyra Plantation: Quitman, Turner Poplar Grove Propinquity Plantation Providence Plantation: Veazie River Place (near Ellis Cliffs): Wolcot River Place (near Natchez Island): The information on surname matches of 1870 African Americans and 1860 slaveholders is intended merely to provide data These schools offered a wide variety of subjects including the sciences, philosophy, Greek and Latin. To enable the workers from Houston and west Chickasaw Co to get to work easier, Hwy 8 was paved from Houston to Hwy 45 Alternate at Gibson. Though the county was spared the constant presence of hostilities, the county was the scene of several clashes between the Union and Confederate troops. 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SET UP TO SHARE OLD PICTURES. With the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the weakness of his successor, Andrew Johnson; tragic consequences existed for the Southerners. the Concord Academy was founded by G. S. Gorasty about 1849 and located on Pontotoc Ridge seven miles north of Houston. Early newspapers included "The Houston State Advocate", the first county paper. some went. As more and more white settlers arrived, the struggle The MS Exposition scheduled to celebrate the state's Presumably some men from Chickasaw Co served in the Spanish-American War in 1896, but no casualties are listed and no records of Chickasaw County's participation are available. Fifteen companies of Infantry and Calvary, a total of 1,875 men, were furnished the Confederacy by the county. Nestled in the hills of Chickasaw County, MS, these 188.65 acres located in Sections 7 and 8, T13S, R3E, offer both timber and recreational investment opportunities. In 1786 the Chickasaws, under Chief Peopenzo, signed the Treaty of Hopewell with the new United States government and declared themselves at peace with the United States and under her protection. miles. The generations, races and Chickasaw Countians from all walks of life came together in 1976 for the nation's Bi-Centennial festivities. The elevation is 354 feet. According to local tradition, he camped near the present day The officials of Chickasaw Co attempted to levy funds for the relief of wives and widows and the children of the soldiers. The county is named for the Chickasaw people, who lived in this area for hundreds of years. FORMAT. During the latter part of the 19th century, rebuilding began for Chickasaw Co. mail. Delegates from the northern counties that were created from the Chickasaw lands demanded that the Congressional candidate be chosen from their section. % of the total number of U.S. slaveholders, or 1 out of 7,000 free persons, held 20-30% of the total number of slaves in the Simon Myers and James Simonton also had an early mercantile firm. "Okolona Male Academy" was founded in 1852 by William f. Tucker. 1836. However, this last raid of the war in Chickasaw Co resulted in the loss of a large quantity of supplies. Chickasaw County was home to notable religious musicians, including shape-note singer W. A. Beasley and the Pilgrim Jubilees gospel group. Property owners in the county suffered losses on many fronts as a result of the war, especially in the destruction of the countys economic infrastructure. Probably no period in the county's history produced more changes than the 1960s and 1970s. used to describe the main subdivisions of the State by which the census was enumerated. Chickasaw County is located in the northeast area of the state. A more enduring business was established by Charles Dibrell and this establishment was still active in 1860. Home Values by ZIP CODE. His most significant contribution as a legislator was his service on the committee responsible for the recall of the hated Reconstruction governor, Adelbert Ames. These stores sold medicines; but also carried a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. These two men were of one mind, casting their votes in favor of Later the Chickasaw people returned the county's hospitality by inviting a group from Chickasaw, Pontotoc and Lee counties to participate in the Chickasaw nation's Silver Centennial and dedication of the Chickasaw Nation Memorial Gardens on the campus of Murray State College in Tishomingo, OK. Chickasaw Co. Palo Alto, located in what is now Clay Co, was a thriving community in the early days and was the third largest town in the county. Discover 595 listings of Mississippi land for sale over 20 acres. Although this amendment was not ratified and become law until Aug 26, 1920; one of the first instances of women voting took place in Houlka, Chickasaw Co. At the end of the war and the beginning of the Reconstruction, coffee was made by parching potato skins and other similar substances. The formal boundaries for the City of Houston encompass a land area of 7.38 sq. At the turn of the century, more than half of white farmers owned the land they worked, while only 12 percent of Chickasaws black farmers claimed ownership. According to oral Chickasaw tradition, which is a mixture of fact and legend, these Indian people left their homeland because of oppression. Local Indians were friendly. shipping center for the cotton growers and outstripped Houston as a center of commerce. The hospital moved to a new and larger building in 1957 and soon afterward the old building was torn down. valorem taxes. of African Americans were enumerated as free in 1860, with about half of those living in the southern States. pages 385B and 388, who were shown in Division 2. such age enumerated, out of a total of 3,950,546 slaves, and the transcriber did not find any such information on the In addition to the government assistance, private charity work was being done. Prior to the Civil War, the county also had two Christian churches, two Episcopal churches, and three Union churches. Using plantation names to locate ancestors can be difficult because the name of a plantation may have been changed through the years and because the sizeable number of large farms Several wells were drilled in the northwestern part of the county, but were later capped or abandoned. This transcription includes 56 slaveholders who held 40 or more slaves Freed slaves, if listed in the next census, in 1870, would have been reported Owl Creek mounds to the north of Davis Lake in the Natchez Trace Game area are examples of this type of mound. Easily find land for sale in Mississippi at Their first effort was to organize the farmers to achieve the highest possible food production. Cotton was the main crop; but corn was grown as food for both man and beast. Reconstruction left scars on the blacks and whites alike. This school served both male and female students from grade one to college. of the most slaves with the least amount of transcription work. The Chickasaw Indians were hospitable and the Spaniards spent the winter of 1540-51 at Chicaca. These farms tended to be smaller than average for the state, while the countys percentage of farms run by sharecroppers (36 percent) was higher than average. This request was refused and this date is generally taken as the end of Reconstruction in Chickasaw Co, as well as other parts of MS. Before the war's end, almost everything was rationed -- sugar, meat, commercial canned goods, gasoline, tires, shoes, etc. Dairy farming and cattle became increasingly central to Chickasaws agricultural sector during the first half of the twentieth century, while sweet potato cultivation increased following World War II. James Martin. Homes, farms and businesses that had been destroyed or damaged had been rebuilt or renovated. Later this school was taken over by the Grace Episcopal Church and renamed "Rose Gate Jackson County Genealogical Society, c/o Else J. Martin, 6301 Country Lane, Pascagoula, MS 39581. MIGRATION OF FORMER SLAVES: According to U.S. Census data, the 1860 Chickasaw County population included In 1853, the Democrats split in earnest at their state convention. Other train crops and various legumes were also grown. The freed blacks were also handicapped by their lack of skills and the knowledge to get on his feet. corderoy roads were financed by the tolls they charged, from ten cents a head for stock to one dollar for a four to six horse or ox wagon. The law creating Chickasaw Co was passed by the MS legislature on Feb 9, 1836. Civil defense was taken seriously, first aid classes were conducted throughout the county and black-outs were practiced in various communities. Before Nevertheless, Chickasaw Co had a number of churches. A young Scotsman who was trying to start a school for former slaves at Sparta was one of the casualties of the time. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Goode's Circuit Clerk duties were performed by his deputy Adam Kerr Craig. It is estimated by this transcriber that in 1860, slaveholders of 200 or more slaves, while constituting less than 1 The state of MS and the county of Chickasaw did not achieve the wealth and culture that they had enjoyed before the war, but they had begun to prosper again. Pinson, a private spectator, was agreed upon and on July 8, 1836, the Chickasaw Co Board of Police ordered that the county seat be located on "Sections 4 and 5 in Township 14, Range 3 East. During the pre-war period only about one-third of the MS population was affiliated with a church or religion. It is located ten miles north of Houston and dates its history from 1836 when the Harrell brothers, William and Warren, bought a large tract of land from its Indian owner. In 1850, the slave census was also separate from the free census, but in earlier years it was a part of the free Again Smith's troops broke and the Federal troops retreated to TN. During the 1840s, the rich prairie lands had been settled and improved and the plantation system was well established. (As a side note, by 1960, 100 years later, the County was TERMINOLOGY. Two efforts were made by the British to improve the government of the Chickasaw nation. They describe themselves as the "undefeated". Young men returning from World War I found a booming economy. A second law passed five days later named John Defacement, Richard Elliot, Thomas Ivy, Thomas Gates and Benjamin Anderson as commissioners for the purpose of organizing the county. Hogs were Soon the stage coaches replaced the horse and rider as the carrier of the Between 1840 and 1850, the white population of Chickasaw Co grew from 2,148 to 9,887. Soldiers intercepted a wagon loaded with the county record books at a point on the Starkville Road, a short distance from the Houston Cemetery. By the latter part of the 17th century, much of what is now Chickasaw Co was in the hands of the French. Residents of Chickasaw Co watched very closely as the war in Europe began in 1914 and escalated. A generation passed before farming in Chickasaw Co ws fully mechanized but agricultural practices had undergone great changes. In 1894, the enrollment was 451 and five different states and forty MS counties were represented in the student body. ONLY OLD PICTURES OVER 50 YEARS OLD OR OLDER AROUND HOUSTON, CHICKASAW COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI. We are always in need of more information. Twenty years later, only 220 people were still involved in agriculture, while more than half of the workforce, almost 5,000 people, held manufacturing positions, largely in timber and textiles. Chisca and his brother, Chocta, were among the band of Indians said to have descended, or at least are related to the Toltecs of Mexico. If an As a result of these defeats, eight hundred French soldiers, five hundred of them led by D'Artagnette from a post in IL and three hundred under the leadership of Bienville, moved up the Tomspanbee River from the coast. By the time Chickasaw Co was organized, the well traveled Indian Trails such as the Natchez Trace and Gaines Trace were in disrepair. The newspaper was strongly Democrat. During the early twentieth century canals were constructed to provide needed drainage and make the county's rich bottom land available for cultivation. Based on recent LandWatch data, Chickasaw County ranks 68th among the 82 counties in the state for The neighboring town of Vardaman in Calhoun Co. claims the title "Sweet Potato Capitol of the World", but the farmers of Chickasaw County's "Flatwoods" country found that the country was fit for growing a great deal more than timber and providing pastureland for Egypt was located on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, south of Okolona, but was an important trade center in the 1850s. In Dec 1864, a final effort against the railroad pitted the troops of General Grierson against Confederate General Gholson at the Battle of Egypt. Chickasaw County Historical and Genealogical Society. Several communities vied for this school in Chickasaw Co; including Buena Vista, Houlka, Woodland, Parkersburg, and Van Vleet. Chickasaw County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). In 1930 Chickasaws population of 20,835 was almost evenly divided between white and African American residents. In 1845, the town of Okolona was established, located in the northeastern part of the county. Its fertile valleys have for years yielded astonishing crops. The typical Chickasaw Co family found it necessary to be self sustaining now, more than ever. The 1860 U.S. Census was the last U.S. census showing slaves and slaveholders. The boundaries of five counties link with Chickasaw Co. These counties are: Pontotoc, Lee, Montgomery, Clay, Webster, and Calhoun. listed as having 10,380 whites, about 41% more than in 1860, but the 1960 total of 6,499 "Negroes"was about 28% less Whigs were faced with the choice of joining with the Democrats or the newly formed American Party. The county has many acres of timber land, consisting mainly of pine trees, a large dairy, beef farms, hog farms and poultry houses. General Sooey Smith was ordered to move from LaGrange, TN and rendezvous with his commander General Sherman for an attack on the Confederate arsenal at Selma, AL. 1930s; the last few years as a private venture. ancestor was one of the larger slaveholders in the County. An unknown group has successfully restored the Whitney Plantation in Wallace, Louisiana. Instead of raising taxes, a contract was let to pave Hwy 8 between Houston and Vardaman. African American descendants of persons who were enslaved in Chickasaw County, Mississippi in 1860, if they have an idea In June 1950, the United States was once again sending its young men to war. Before the War Between the States, a road bed for a spur line from Okolona to Houston had been built. Learn more. 3,950,546 unnamed slaves, or an average of about ten slaves per holder. (17%); Texas, up 70,000 (38%); Alabama, up 37,000 (8%); North Carolina, up 31,000 (8%); Florida, up 27,000 (41%); The Democrat Clubs were made up of native white Southerners and clashes between the two groups were frequently violent, especially at election names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list should not be a difficult research task, but If copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information. African American ancestor with one of these surnames is found on the 1870 census, then making the link to finding that , Baptist and Presbyterian churches were eventually built on these plots and connected in Jackson, TN and. Was one of the four year period of hostilities is found on the blacks and alike... Both man and beast Chickasaw Co. county showed such a significant increase supplies... Whites, 1 free African American residents of 1,875 men, were furnished the Confederacy by the to! 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Ciaran Dickson Rangers Dad,